This is an ongoing list of words I had to look up when I heard them or read them. I keep this list to help me remember…
cruft – jargon for left over or redundant stuff; rubbage (often used in context relating to computer software)
fecundity – ability to produce offspring; fertility
pecuniary – relating to, or consisting of money
beneficent – resulting in good
peristalsis – involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles (example: intestines)
vouchsafe – give in a gracious or condescending manner
peregrinate – travel or wander around from place to place
bonhomie – good-natured friendliness
endogenous – produced or growing from within
disputatious – fond of causing arguments
polemic – a controversial argument
invidious – likely to arouse anger in others
vapid – lacking liveliness, taste, interest, or flavor
sneezer – (slang) customer that shares offers or promotions through social networks
coda – (music) concluding passage of a piece or movement, conclusion or closing part to a statement
expository – intended to explain or describe, serving to expound
accede – agree to a demand
excisions – to cut out (surgically)
nonpareil – having no equal, unrivaled
verities – a true principle or belief
hella – extremely
granitic – like a rock in hardness, firmness, or durability
rubric – a title, heading, direction or and explanatory comment
bricolage – built or put together out of whatever was available at the time
vestigial – a mere trace of what has been
transmogrify – to change thoroughly
epistemic – involving knowledge; cognitive
prolegomenon – a preliminary discussion introducing a length text or book
sough – to make a moaning or rushing sound
dun – to make persistent demands, especially for payment of debt